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Spring 2024

Anchor 2
 In This Issue 


by Ashley Sung

Have you ever imagined tiny robots coursing through your body to heal you like in the cartoon? Well, it’s not a fiction anymore!


Canadian researchers led by Dr. Gilles Soulez developed a new approach to guide microbots to treat liver cancer. He used the magnetic field of MRI, a medical instrument that provides a detailed image of our body, to guide these robots to provide treatment. While experimenting with his microrobots, Dr. Gilles Soulez encountered an obstacle where the gravity of the microrobots was stronger than the magnetic field he used to control them. This made it tough to guide them, especially when the tumor is located higher where the microrobots are injected.

To solve this problem, Dr. Gilles Soulez developed an algorithm or instructions a computer follows to determine the optimal position of the patient body during the MRI scan to combine with the magnetic force. This combination “makes it easier for the microrobots to travel to the [place where tumor located]” and preserve the healthy cells (Dr. Gilles Soulez).

Before testing on the real patients, he carried out trials on 12 pigs that were close to the human condition and the microrobots all successfully reached their destination. Dr.Gilles Soulez then stimulated microbots on 19 patients, who collectively “had a total of 30 tumors in different locations in their livers” (Dr.Gilles Soulez). In 95% of the total cases, the microrobots successfully reached the targetted tumor!

Despite this huge progress, scientists are still working on improving the accuracy of this new technology for clinical application.


Geoffroy, Bruno. “Treating Liver Cancer with Microrobots Piloted by a Magnetic Field.” Phys.Org,, 14 Feb. 2024,

University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre. “Treating Liver Cancer with Microrobots Piloted by a Magnetic Field.” Lab Manager, 15 Feb. 2024, 

ai sports

Air Pollution Disease 

by Ashley Sung

One of the biggest threats the world faces right now is climate change and its largest contributor–fossil fuels. Since 1970, greenhouse gas emissions have increased by about 90%, with 78% of the total greenhouse gas emissions coming from fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases not only affect the climate by trapping the sun’s heat in the Earth, leading to global warming, but they can also impact our health.


By trapping the heat, the greenhouse gas can change the weather conditions which include temperature and precipitation. These changes can lead to an increase in ground-level ozone, which is a type of air pollution that forms close to the Earth’s surface such as in areas prone to wildfire or industrial regions. Breathing ground-level ozone can lead to chest pain, coughing, and throat irritation. It can even exacerbate asthma and emphysema ( a lung disease that causes breathlessness).


Based on the symptoms listed above, you probably can already tell ozone is highly reactive in our respiratory tract. When we breathe ozone into the airways, ozone will react rapidly with molecules in our respiratory tract such as proteins. This can cause oxidative stress that damages the cells’ structure and disrupts their function. The damage caused by ozone then triggers an inflammatory response which leads to respiratory symptoms and lung diseases.


Currently, ozone therapy is one of the treatments offered when exposed to ozone. The purpose of it is to increase the amount of oxygen in your body so it can boost your immune system and promote healing. However, there isn’t enough evidence to confirm ozone therapy is safe. The best way to keep yourself from experiencing any of this is to check the air quality in your area, limit outdoor activities during peak ozone hours (which is in the afternoon and early evening), or reduce electricity consumption to reduce greenhouse gas emissions!


Heading, Sophie, et al. “These Are the Biggest Global Risks We Face in 2024 and Beyond.” World Economic Forum, 10 Jan. 2024, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

Iowa Department of Natural Resources. “Effects of Ground Level Ozone.”, 2023, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

“Meet the Greenhouse Gases!” NASA Climate Kids, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

“Ozone Therapy: What It Is, Uses and Side Effects.” Cleveland Clinic, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

“The Impact of Ground-Level Ozone Pollution.”, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

UCAR. “Effects of Air Pollution | UCAR Center for Science Education.”, 2023, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

United Nations. “Causes and Effects of Climate Change.” United Nations, United Nations, 2022, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

US EPA, OAR. “Climate Change Impacts on Air Quality.”, 19 Oct. 2022, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

US EPA,OAR. “Health Effects of Ozone in the General Population | US EPA.” US EPA, 21 Mar. 2016, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

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How Air Pollution Affects Our Brain

by Ashley Sung

When people think about air pollution disease, the first thing they usually come up with is probably something related to respiratory problems. But do you know that air pollution can also lead to neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease?


Neurological disorders are disorders that can affect our brain and the nerves found throughout the body. Common neurological disorders include stroke, seizures, Parkinson’s disease, and much more. Air pollution can then exacerbate and increase the risk of these several diseases. Particulate matter (PM) is a tiny solid or liquid particle in the air that can be inhaled into our bodies and cause health problems. Specifically, PM 2.5 (particles that are smaller than 2.5 micrometers) can go deep into our lungs and bloodstream. This can cause our nerves, especially the nerves in our brain, to be gradually damaged.


Other pollutants like Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), which is made when vehicles burn fuel, can also damage our nerves. NO2 can induce inflammation in the brain which is how it can lead to neuronal damage. In addition to the damage done to the nerves by both PM and NO2, they can also lead to our brain being more susceptible to harmful substances because they can disrupt the blood-brain barrier (a barrier made out of special cells to protect our brain from the harmful stuff in the blood).


High exposure to both PM and NO2 can then affect cognitive function, especially for elderly people. However, studies have also shown that “women, white communities, and urban population [are] particularly susceptible” as well (Columbia University Irving Medical Center). In 2020, Harvard proved that in one of their research, high exposure to PM can lead to increased risk for both Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s disease.


So how do we protect ourselves from any of this? Well, the best way is to reduce the time spent outdoors when the air quality is bad and keep the air indoors healthy by closing the doors and windows. Always remember, even though you can’t see those particles in the air, they can still affect your body!



Association, American Lung. “Protecting Yourself from Poor Air Quality.”, Accessed 11 Apr. 2024.

“German Government Calculates Deaths from Nitrogen Dioxide.”, Accessed 11 Apr. 2024.

Goode, Erica. “Scientists Are Finding Increasing Evidence for a Link between Air Pollution and Neurodegenerative Diseases like Alzheimer’s.” STAT, 11 Jan. 2023, Accessed 11 Apr. 2024.

Montana DPHHS. “Neurological Disorders.”, 2020, Accessed 11 Apr. 2024.

“Over 1 in 3 People Affected by Neurological Conditions, the Leading Cause of Illness and Disability Worldwide.”, Accessed 11 Apr. 2024.

“Study Finds Significant Link between Air Pollution and Neurological Disorders.” Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, 20 Oct. 2020, Accessed 11 Apr. 2024.

Water Pollution Disease 

by Ashley Sung

The United States has one of the safest water quality. But what about the other countries? Benin, one of the top countries with the worst water pollution, has less than 4% of clean water access for its population. As a result, people are constantly sick in Benin.


The main source of water pollution in Benin is due to industrial and agricultural pollution. For example, infrastructure, hazardous waste sites, and more. When the water is polluted, harmful chemicals such as lead can leach into the water. Lead being a powerful neurotoxin, a toxin that can destroy nerve tissue, can cause serious health issues in both children and adults. Since the brains of young children are still not fully developed yet, lead can easily pass through the brain’s barrier and damage different areas of the brain. This can lead to brain damage that leads to IQ loss in children, learning disabilities, and behavior problems.


In adults, lead can cause high blood pressure due to the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS can increase the concentration of calcium, thus, narrowing the blood vessels and raising blood pressure. Lead can also increase the risk of miscarriages because the lead absorbed by women can cross the placenta (a temporary organ that forms in the womb during pregnancy) and enter the fetus.


One certain disease that can affect both children and adults is lead nephropathy. Lead nephropathy is a progressive kidney disease that is caused by high levels of lead exposure. The kidney is the main route by which lead is eliminated. As a result, as lead accumulates over time, it can damage the cell and lead to cell dysfunction. Currently, one of the best treatments for this disease is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelation therapy. EDTA chelation therapy can decrease the progression of this kidney disease by having the medicine stick to minerals in the bloodstream. This can create a substance that leaves the body in urine.









Even though these sicknesses caused by water pollution can be scary, we can still do little things that can prevent our water from being polluted! Pickup litter and throwing it in the garbage cans, minimizing the use of pesticides, and not using the toilet as a trash bin are all possible ways to preserve our water resources!

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Alghasham, Abdullah A, et al. “Association of Blood Lead Level with Elevated Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients.” International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 5, no. 1, 2011, pp. 17–27, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.“Chelation Therapy | Anti-Aging & Regenerative Associates.” Anti Aging & Regenerative Associates, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.Clean Air Council» Industrial Air Pollution. Accessed 12 Apr. 2024.Denchak, Melissa. “Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know.” NRDC, NRDC, 11 Jan. 2023, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.Kristin Freeman. “6 Ways to Prevent Water Pollution.”, 11 Aug. 2023, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.Loperena, Roxana, and David G. Harrison. “Oxidative Stress and Hypertensive Diseases.” Medical Clinics of North America, vol. 101, no. 1, Jan. 2017, pp. 169–193,, Francisco. “Chelation Therapy: Can It Treat Heart Disease?” Mayo Clinic, 13 June 2023, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.Water Problems in Benin - Afrika Hayat. 14 Jan. 2024, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.World Health Organization. “Drinking Water.”, World Health Organization, 13 Sept. 2023, Accessed 12 Apr. 2024

Land Pollution Disease 

by Ashley Sung

Do you know why we boil our water before drinking or eating food that has been thoroughly cooked? Well, these are all necessary to prevent a disease called cholera. Cholera is an acute infection caused by eating food or drinking water contaminated with bacteria called Vibrio cholerae. Even though it is extremely rare to get cholera in the United States, countries like Afghanistan reported 8402 cases from January 1st, 2024 to January 27th, 2024!


One of the causes of their highly reported cholera case is land pollution. For example, industrial activities, mining, and deforestation are all sorts of ways that can contaminate the soil and water. When food is fertilized with contaminated soil, especially root vegetables that have a higher potential for accumulating contaminants, you can get cholera if it is contaminated with the cholera bacterium. When water is contaminated, it can spread very rapidly. In fact, contaminated water supplies are the main cause of large cholera outbreaks.













When you get cholera, it only takes about 12 hours to show symptoms like severe watery diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. Even though these symptoms may not be desirable, there are a lot of ways to treat cholera such as antibiotics and rehydration therapy for people who lost too much fluids and salts due to the symptoms. However, if cholera is left untreated, it can be fatal. The person can die from dehydration and shock.


While cholera can be scary, it’s very easy to prevent it! Heat is cholera’s natural enemy. Boling water and thoroughly cooking the food can not only kill Vibrio cholerae but also kill any living organisms that can cause infection or illness!



CDC. “Illness & Symptoms .” CDC, 14 Nov. 2022, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Illness and Symptoms | Cholera | CDC.”, 2 Oct. 2020, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.“Cholera Worldwide Overview.”, 4 Mar. 2024, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.Environment, U. N. “Reporting on the State of the Environment in Afghanistan.” UNEP - UN Environment Programme, 14 May 2019, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.Fong, Fiona. “Bacteria in Raw Meat vs Cooked Meat.”, Sept. 2017, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.“Sources of Infection & Risk Factors | Cholera | CDC.”, 13 Oct. 2020, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.“Treatment | Cholera | CDC.”, 13 Oct. 2020, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.“Why Do We Need to Cook Food ??”, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.World Health Organization. “Cholera.”, World Health Organization: WHO, July 2019, Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.

4 Billion people currently live in areas threatened by “climate change”. So what is climate change? Simply put, climate change is when the overall temperature of the Earth shifts up or down. Over recent years, Earth has been reaching record highs in sea levels, forest fires, and general environmental struggles. The main cause of this are the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. Greenhouse gases include methane, carbon dioxide, and more, which are all produced by human activity. These gases trap heat in our atmosphere and has exponentially built up in our atmosphere. Some people still view the climate crisis as a government implanted tactic or even a hoax completely. Regardless of all these doubts, one thing is for sure: we must employ technology to help us battle our own mistakes. Although many fear the advancement of AI technology, we can also use AI to our advantage. So what can AI help us with?

  1. AI can predict weather patterns, and although humans have been able to, many places don’t have access to human knowledge on weather. AI technology is easily shared and can be used to help rural communities in day-to-day life.

2. AI can map out pollution in the ocean, helping us target areas to clean.  














 3. AI can also map out deforestation and help us calculate carbon rates and limitations to control our forests.

 4. AI can predict iceberg melting rates, which is a highly complex calculation for humans. With icebergs melting on the high, AI can calculate how much our oceans are rising.





These are just a few things that AI can do to help us tackle global issues. However, we can’t always rely solely on AI. The fight against the climate crisis is up to all of us, through actions big and small.,the%20World%20Economic%20Forum%20says.


How Can AI Help Save Our Environment?
by Hosannah Choi


Did You Know?

by Alvin Sung

The first video game is called Tennis for Two made by Robert Dvorak in 1958. Players can turn the knob on a controller to control the angle of the tennis ball and hit it towards the other player. Players can even play on Jupiter, Mars, and Moon!


The current fastest car is the Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut. Its 5.0 liter twin-turbocharged v8 generates an immense amount of power and allows it to go up to 330 mph. The slick aerodynamic design reduces the force faced by the car as it moves through the air. Furthermore, the chassis and body panels of the car are made of carbon fiber, which is an extremely light yet stiff material.


The blue whale is the largest animal that is currently alive. It weighs 33 elephants combined and its heart alone is 600 kilograms. The blue whale is 110 meters long, even longer than the dinosaurs. They feed primarily on krills, and they can eat 8,800 lbs of krills per day!


The only organ in our body that cannot heal itself is teeth. This is because the outer layer of our teeth, enamel, lacks living cells. However, if our teeth are exposed to calcium and phosphate, they can strengthen enamel and cure early stages of erosion.

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“2021 Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut - Review.” CarBuzz, Accessed 11 May 2024.

College, Hunter, et al. “11 Facts about Blue Whales, the Largest Animals Ever on Earth.” Treehugger, 19 Oct. 2020, Accessed 11 May 2024.

“Tennis for Two - Apps on Google Play.”, Accessed 12 May 2024.

Wheatley, Dr. “Can a Cracked Tooth Heal Itself?” Andrew Wheatley, DDS / Dentist in Norman, OK, 10 Apr. 2023, Accessed 12 May 2024.


by Alvin Sung

On January 29, 2024, Elon Musk’s company, Neuranlink, implanted a brain chip into Noland Arbaugh, who was paralyzed below the shoulder after a diving incident. After a few months, Neuralink announced that the surgery was a success, and the patient can now play chess on a computer using his mind! Here’s the link to the video:



So how does this whole thing work?


Let’s begin by talking a bit about the vision of Neuralink. Elon Musk started this company to revolutionize the relationship between computers and humans. The device has the potential to accomplish things like enhancing cognitive abilities, allowing humans to communicate more efficiently, or even helping those with paralysis to move their prosthetic limbs with thoughts. This device can impact society significantly.











Here is the picture of the brain chip implanted into Noland. It contains 64 flexible polymer threads, providing 1,024 electrodes to analyze brain activities. These threads are about the size of human hair and are incredibly flexible so they can move with the brain. The electrodes analyze the neurons that flow through the brain and record one’s thoughts. The information is then sent to a computer.




This surgery begins with a surgeon drilling a hole into the patient’s skill. After this, the rest of the procedure is done by this robot because of how precise the surgery needs to be. It has to ensure the threads are inserted at the correct spot. There are endless possibilities with this innovative device. However, Noland did mention there were a few issues he faced during the trials. Therefore, there are steps we need to take to ensure the safety and protection of the patients.

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Works Citeddesignboom, juliana neira I. “Elon Musk’s Neuralink Unveils Brain Implant Update and the Surgical Robot to Insert It.” Designboom | Architecture & Design Magazine, 31 Aug. 2020, Accessed 11 May 2024.First Human Neuralink Recipient Experiences Mechanical Issues - Lowyat.NET. 9 May 2024, Accessed 11 May 2024.

Quantum Computing

by Alvin Sung

Quantum computing is an advanced calculation method using the principle of quantum mechanics, a branch of physics that studies the behavior of nature at a subatomic scale. They can perform calculations much faster than traditional computers because quantum computers use qubits to store and process information. In classical computers, a bit is the smallest unit of data they can store, either 0 or 1. However, qubits can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously, which allows quantum computers to consider more possibilities and process information faster. This quantum phenomenon is called superposition.






Another characteristic of quantum computing is entanglement, where two qubits become dependent on each other, no matter how far apart they are. This differs from a classical computer, where each bit is independent and cannot connect with other bits. The linked qubits can work together and allow quantum computers to calculate more efficiently. Although quantum computers can help us solve problems much faster, they still have some disadvantages. For example, they make mistakes easily, and they require a large amount of energy to operate, which could damage the environment.




So what are some of the possible applications of these insanely fast computers?


1. Medicine

Quantum computers can model the behavior of proteins and interactions between molecules to help researchers develop new medicine more effectively. The algorithm can also predict patients’ reactions to drugs more accurately and optimize their safety.

2. Online Privacy

Quantum computing can protect online users’ privacy by making the firewall more complicated and improving cybersecurity.


3. Climate


ModelingQuantum computers can analyze a large amount of climate data to accurately predict climate change impacts and provide effective solutions. They can also optimize the use of energy to prevent waste.


Artificial Reefs

by Hosannah Choi


As worldwide temperatures rise in our oceans, dolphins and fish aren’t the only affected species. A much bigger problem : the dying off of our coral reefs.


















Not only does the temperature work against coral, but the acidification of our oceans lead to bleaching of coral. Coral reefs hold incredible importance, supporting biodiversity, offering coastal protection for animals, serving as a food source, and, play a huge role in carbon cycling. The saddest part about this problem, though, is that coral bleaching has been happening for decades, and yet not enough has been done.



















What exactly is coral bleaching? Although there lays much complexity in the exact process of coral bleaching, simply put, coral bleaching happens when the coral expels the algae which reside in the coral’s bodily tissue. This expulsion is triggered by environmental stressors, such as pollution and changes in water temperatures/chemistry. The algae is known as zooxanthellae, and are responsible for photosynthesis and the notorious vibrancy of corals. The coral and zooxanthellae have a symbiotic relationship, and without the zooxanthellae, corals starve and die.





















Coral bleaching events have become massive, taking hundreds of corals around the same time. However, in recent years, marine conservationists have increasingly been employing artificial reefs. Although this doesn’t completely restore our natural great reefs, it helps create new reefs and promote growth. So how are they doing it? Using synthetic and natural materials, they form stable/non-toxic structures designed to attract fish and replicate that of natural coral reefs. These structures provide protection for animals, which is attractive as a habitat, and leads to increased biodiversity. Artificial reefs can also utilize shipwrecks and sunken concrete as basis for a reef structure. Artificial reefs have proven to be successful, mimicking natural reefs and creating vibrant habitats, and are continuously improving.

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Where does your poop go?
by Hosannah Choi















Many people don’t spare a second thought to what goes down the toilet after you flush, whether it’s poop, a dead fish, or a random bandaid. However, what you choose to flush down the toilet holds extreme importance. Thankfully, in the majority of Washington, there are advanced sewage systems. After you flush, the water and whatever you put in the white ceramic bowl of goodness, goes down a series of complex pipes.





















This usually reaches a wastewater treatment plant. At the designated wastewater treatment plant, poop and other waste gets separated from wastewater. The water is then goes through multiple treatments to be clean and reusable. Poop can be turned into fertilizer and used for plants!





















Some places have yet to adopt efficient sewage systems and often resort to just dumping waste into bodies of water, which is why it’s important to have a sewage system. Waste can have a lot of bad bacteria and diseases. When people dump that into their water sources, they can unintentionally poison themselves. Having a clean water source is imperative to a good standard of living. Although this problem continues today, many people are working towards a global solution.


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